Relax and enjoy your stay at Fenland Fisheries

over 40lb

Willow Lake

Willow Lake is a former gravel pit of some 6-7 acres that has been established as a specimen carp fishery since 1992.

In recent years, the fish have grown steadily in weight and many anglers have smashed their personal bests at the venue. Much of the current stock (of around 150 carp) are derived from the original stocking in 1988 of 1-2lb fish. Today, around 80% are over 25lb with many upper twenties and 30-40 fish over 30lb, including  four over 40lb. The present lake record stands at 46lb.

200+ carp

Vermuyden Lake

Named after the Dutch engineer responsible for the draining much of the East Anglian fens, Vermuyden Lake is a heavily stocked, former gravel pit of 2-3 acres. There are 200+ carp to over 40lb with virtually all of the stock over 15lbs.